• info@wildcumberland.org
  • PO Box 872 Scottdale, GA 30079
Ear to the Sand
Cumberland Considers Raising Visitor Limit

Cumberland Considers Raising Visitor Limit

The Cumberland Island superintendent is weighing the possibility of increasing the visitor limit on Cumberland. A coalition of environmental groups have helped maintain the 300-person visitor limit, which has ensured a relatively uncrowded visitor experience and protected the island’s sensitive ecosystems and wildlife habitats. However, mainland businesses and leaders have been pushing for more visitors to Cumberland, which they hope will drive local revenue.

In the 1980s, the park planned for a massive tourist park with boardwalks, vehicle tours, beachfront development, and thousands of people per day on the island. Carol Ruckdeschel helped spearhead a grassroots movement that stopped the development. Thousands wrote to the National Park Service asking to keep Cumberland wild and not let it become overrun with tourists and development. Now that the park is considering another increase in visitation, public input will once again be crucial.

Sign a letter supporting the current 300-visitor limit here or write the superintendent directly at Gary_Ingram@nps.gov.

1 thought on “Cumberland Considers Raising Visitor Limit

    • Author gravatar

      What makes Cumberland Island special is that it’s mostly wild. The limited number of visitors maintains that wildness. I hope that the Park will NOT increase the number of visitors who can be on the island each day. There are lots of beachfront developments, but the value of Cumberland Island is that it is NOT a typical development. National Parks are supposed to be special places–places not driven by the desire to make money, but the desire to preserve habitat, wildlife, and unique qualities. Please keep Cumberland Island wild.

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