• info@wildcumberland.org
  • PO Box 872 Scottdale, GA 30079

Current News

Cumberland Island Proposed Land Exchanges

Comments Submitted by Wild Cumberland Read the comments submitted to the NPS by Wild Cumberland below. Wild Cumberland opposes what the National Park Service has most recently proposed for Cumberland Island. The agency has been negotiating deals with select private property owners at Cumberland Island  —  costing millions of dollars — without any public input or involvement for at least the last five […]

Quiet and Natural Sounds

Natural Sounds Are Necessary Natural sounds affect the integrity and functions of entire ecosystems – in ways that we are just beginning to understand. Excessive and/or inappropriate noise can be detrimental to wildlife (not to mention wilderness character), affecting everything from communication and foraging to navigation and mating. Read more here.  Animals detect sound even when they are asleep — […]

Coyotes on Cumberland Island

Know the Facts Coyotes (Canis latrans) have expanded their range as we have extirpated large predators (wolves, cougars, and bears) and cleared swaths of land. They now inhabit most, if not all, barrier islands in Georgia – including Cumberland.  Their survival is attributed to their adaptability, intelligence, and resilience.  Research is currently being conducted on other barrier islands to better […]

Wilderness Management Plan

42 Years Without a Wilderness Management Plan! In 1982, Congress designated nearly two-thirds of Cumberland Island as federally-protected Wilderness (8,840 acres) and Potential Wilderness (11,718 acres)…..but to date, the National Park Service (NPS) has not implemented the Wilderness Management Plan required to protect it.  Wild Cumberland believes development and implementation of a Wilderness Management Plan would establish the accountability, consistency, […]

September is National Wilderness Month

Wild Cumberland is marking the occasion with our weekly trivia nights – which double as a fundraiser to support our work! Simply make a donation of $10+ to play each week and join us online. We laugh a lot — and you do not have to be an expert on Cumberland Island to win!  It’s easy to play – we’ll […]

The Blake Plateau

Wild Cumberland has always believed that extending protections (or establishing new protected areas) is critical to protecting our existing Wilderness.  We’re proud to demonstrate our support for protection of an area known as the Blake Plateau.  The Blake Plateau is an elongated, relatively flat expanse of the continental shelf along the southeastern coast. It features more than 200 species of […]


The “Commitment to Cumberland” in 2024 was a success! Your participation in this event helped make our work possible. We try to support local and small businesses and artists when possible — we hope you saw that reflected in the items available during this special event. 

Updates on the Lumar LLC Case

Wild Cumberland and the Center for a Sustainable Coast are opposing attempts to develop Cumberland Island, which threaten its wilderness and ecosystems. Legal actions focus on challenging developments like Lumar LLC’s dock, approved without adequate public notice or ecological consideration. Recent court decisions could mandate further review and public involvement.