• info@wildcumberland.org
  • PO Box 872 Scottdale, GA 30079

Updates on the Lumar LLC Case

Wild Cumberland and the Center for a Sustainable Coast are opposing attempts to develop Cumberland Island, which threaten its wilderness and ecosystems. Legal actions focus on challenging developments like Lumar LLC’s dock, approved without adequate public notice or ecological consideration. Recent court decisions could mandate further review and public involvement.

Cumberland Island Development

Wild Cumberland and the Center for a Sustainable Coast are opposing attempts to develop Cumberland Island, which threaten its wilderness and ecosystems. Legal actions focus on challenging developments like Lumar LLC’s dock, approved without adequate public notice or ecological consideration. Recent court decisions could mandate further review and public involvement.

Now or Never: Stop the Development on Cumberland

An 88-acre private beachfront development has been proposed for Cumberland Island National Seashore, the country’s largest and wildest barrier island. A developer plans to build at least 10 large houses adjacent to Cumberland Island’s visitor center and campground. This increased development is a threat to the purposes of National Seashore and will interfere with the visitor experience. Wild Cumberland hopes […]

Cumberland in Crisis

Check out the latest update to the subdivision saga on Cumberland Island. Will development destroy one of the last wild islands? Or will the National Park Service step up to stop it? Read the full story published this week in Blue Ridge Outdoors here.

Now Is The Time

Now is the time to stop the development planned for Cumberland Island. A coalition of environmental organizations have teamed up to create the SAVE CUMBERLAND ISLAND facebook page, and they will be spearheading efforts over the next week leading up to the county commissioner’s meeting. Public outrage is monting, but now it needs to be funneled into action. This next […]

Rally for Cumberland Island

There is still a chance to stop development on Cumberland Island. The June 24 rally will be an important and exciting gathering of people and ideas. The rally will take place Saturday June 24, at Gilman Waterfront Park next to the National Park Service Cumberland Island Visitor Center. Enjoy live music, booths and exhibits, face painting, and food trucks, and hear […]

A Reply to The Reverend

Alex Kearns wrote this response to Sam Candler, a Coca-Cola heir who is attempting to develop an 87-acre subdivision on Cumberland Island and petitioning the county to rezone 1,000 acres on the island for additional development:  Yesterday’s edition of the Savannah Morning News included a letter to the editor by the Very Reverend Sam Candler, Dean of The Cathedral of St. […]

Subdivision Hearing Postponed to April 4

Regarding the public hearing concerning the Camden County Planning Commission’s decision to grant a hardship variance for a proposed subdivision on Cumberland Island, a mutual decision has been reached between the involved parties to postpone the hearing until April 4th. Says Bill Sapp, Senior Attorney for the Southern Environmental Law Center, “Given the numerous parties involved and in order to […]

URGENT: Stop the Subdivision on Cumberland

An island family is proposing to build a new 10-lot subdivision less than a quarter-mile from Sea Camp on Cumberland Island. The land is owned by heirs who did not sell their property to the National Park Service. As a result, they own the land outright as a private inholding within Cumberland Island National Seashore. The developers have requested a […]