Track Spaceports Latest Updates
The FAA has released the official record of the decision on the Camden County Spaceport.
The FAA has released the official record of the decision on the Camden County Spaceport.
SPACEPORT CAMDEN Update – 2/1/23 Georgia Supreme Court decision related to a voter referendum in Camden County v. Judge Robert Sweatt went in the favor of the public which is a big step for us! But there are other pieces of litigation pending, too: Camden has sued Union Carbide Corporation for breach of contract in Camden County v. Union Carbide; Related to […]
Article: Rockets Over Cumberland? Don’t miss this article from founder Carol Ruckdeschel, originally published on Blue Ridge Outdoors, on Sept. 27, 2019. Hikers endangered by proposed spaceport next to Cumberland Island National Seashore
Wild Cumberland is standing alongside several organizations and businesses in opposing the proposed spaceport across from Cumberland Island. The Georgia chapter of the Sierra Club, St. Marys Riverkeeper, and St. Marys Earthkeeper have also been key voices in the effort to stop the spaceport, as well as Amelia Island’s Walk & Talk Tours and longtime Cumberland Island supporter Bee Natural. […]
The proposed Camden Spaceport — which would be located directly across from Cumberland Island National Seashore — released maps of its launch trajectories. Launches from the Spaceport will require closing Cumberland Island to the public as often as once a month for up to a week at a time. Why should a private facility be allowed to close a publicly […]
Camden County, Georgia has proposed to develop and operate a commercial space launch site at Floyd’s neck, just opposite the north end of Cumberland Island on the mainland. There would be up to 12 vertical launches and landings of associated vehicles per year. They also plan to recover spent stages at sea and do monthly fire engine tests and wet […]
A private space shuttle launch facility could be built directly across from Cumberland Island as soon as 2018, according to local leaders in Camden County. SpaceX has already begun construction of a private space port in Brownsville, Tex., and it hopes to build a second launch facility along the East Coast in the coming years. Camden County — already home […]