• info@wildcumberland.org
  • PO Box 872 Scottdale, GA 30079

Horses: Enslaved in hostile terrain for our viewing pleasure

Outraged? Let the Park Service know. They want to hear from YOU. It is time that we stepped up FOR the feral horses on Cumberland Island and left our selfish and mercenary desires behind. WRITE: Superintendent G. Ingram, Cumberland Island National Seashore 101 Wheeler St. St. Marys, GA 31558 Or check the Park website for other options.  

Another dead foal

This dead foal carcass was found recently near Stafford on Cumberland Island.  Many of the island’s feral horses are starving, disease-infested, and suffering. Contraception is the best solution for the long-term health of the horses and the island.  

Horses and Hogs

Superintendent Boyles also responded to letters from Wild Cumberland supporters regarding feral animals: “The National Park Service is well aware of the potential impacts of excessive numbers of feral hogs. To combat this, we have had a program in place since 2001 utilizing NPS wildlife biologists and technicians to conduct year-round hog management on Cumberland. In addition to this, the […]